Linda R.

Stay a while and listen.

Welcome, wanderer!

Thanks for visiting my site! I'm Linda, or as you've perhaps seen me online, LadyIcepaw. Feel free to peruse the collections of my various creative projects in this space, both old and new. Check the categories in the menu to discover games, illustrations, comics and more. Hope you have fun looking around!

Please do not repost or edit any of my artwork you find here without my permission.


UPDATE 2023/09/26 A new game has been added to the Games section! Take a moment to check out Living With Ghosts.

UPDATE 2023/08/17 Added the section "Writing", which will serve as a backup for articles and such that I wrote over time! Check it out if you are interested in behind-the-scenes content for game development.

UPDATE 2023/07/27 - All major comics are now hosted on this webspace! Wahoo! You can access them from the Comics section. They will remain mirrored on other sites, but I mostly like having everything in one space - plus it keeps the comic accessible in case all corporate websites suddenly decide to go up in flames.

UPDATE 2023/06/29 - Added this little update widget to keep track of changes! Also added new illustrations to the category Lovewood 2.

UPDATE 2023/02/10 - Finally gave this place a proper makeover. Now it should display nicely on mobile devices and features much more of my recent work, in a more structured manner. Also gave it a personal touch by making everything foresty.

Art of a forest, with a bridge crossing a small river.

Find me on other sites:

A sticker that says 'Made with Notepad++'! A sticker that says 'I support Right to Repair'! A sticker that says 'CSS is awesome' while showing a grid that is humorously offset.